There are many programmes available from Seafish and the NFFF for Fish Frying and other food service sectors. Key training programmes for existing Fish and Chip businesses and those looking to enter this sector must include:
Our growing list of seafood training programmes available from the Academy partners is available here: Fish frying specific programmes and modules available from the NFFF include these components of the 3 day Fish frying course.
See the Frying Gallery for more information † Seafish's Frying Skills qualification is based around a workbook and in-shop assessment. Frying Skills the movie is available on DVD from Seafish. Seafish also has a qualification / training workbook in Customer Service Skills. email Seafish for more information. How do I register for the Fish Frying/Customer Service Skills Qualifications? 1. Contact Richard Wardell of the Seafish Training & Accreditation department on 01472 252302 or email 2. Richard will put you in touch with your local Approved Training Provider who will then organise your registration. 3. Your local Group Training Association will then contact Richard Wardell informing him that you have registered as a candidate. 4. Seafish will then post the relevant self study modules to you. 5. You are then required to read your modules and complete the exercises at the end of each module. (At the beginning of each module there are some useful hints and tips on studying.) 6. At the same time you will be conducting your usual daily tasks at your place of work. 7. When you have read the modules, completed the exercises and feel competent with your daily tasks, you are then required to contact your local Group Training Association who will organise your assessment. 8. A Seafish approved assessor will contact you to organise a suitable date and time to visit you at your place of work and conduct the assessment. 9. On the day of the assessment, you are required to have your self study modules available, for your assessor to check that you've completed the exercises. 10. The assessment consists of multiple choice examination paper based upon the content of the self study modules along with a practical assessment whereby the assessor will observe and ask questions based around your daily tasks. They will record their findings on a practical assessment checklist. 11. Your multiple choice examination paper and practical assessment checklist will be sent to Seafish. 12.
If you achieve the required standards, you will be posted a
certificate to recognise your achievements! |