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This Topic Page is a guide to Working With Seafish


Who are Seafish?

Seafish is a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) set up by the Fisheries Act 1981 to improve efficiency and raise standards across the seafood industry.

They are funded by a levy on the first sale of seafood products in the UK, including imported seafood.

At Seafish, their purpose is to secure a sustainable and profitable future for the UK seafood industry. Their remit includes everything - and everyone - from fishermen and processers through to importers, retailers and food service providers.

As an organisation, They also take a great interest in the consumer: the people who buy and eat seafood. Maintaining a well-regulated seafood industry which delivers high-quality, safe, sustainable seafood to UK consumers is one of their highest priorities.

They therefore listen to, and cooperate with, a broad range of voices in the industry. By balancing their priorities and maintaining a high degree of transparency in their operations, they endeavour to meet the needs of everyone that they represent.

Seafish is also the managing Partner in the Seafood Training Academy.

Sources of Information

Seafish's home page

Onshore Training main page

Publications database search page

Fish is the dish site - encouraging kids to eat and enjoy fish

Responsible sourcing home page.


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