News Stream #2


Tallow Chandlers Apprenticeship Scheme for Fish Friers

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The Tallow Chandlers Apprenticeship Scheme is a pilot programme. The apprenticeship reflects the Governments commitment to placing both responsibility and funding in the hands of the employers and has been developed for small and micro businesses through the Livery Companies Apprenticeship Scheme. These Livery Company Apprenticeship Schemes reflect some of the values of medieval apprenticeships made fit for the 21st century

In the 12th century the concept of Apprenticeships was established, perhaps even invented, by the Guilds of the City of London. The Statute of Artificers and Apprentices of 1563 was introduced to protect Apprentices, enshrining Apprenticeships in law for the first time. As new trades were established and new guilds created, more traditional apprenticeships were created. Over the years, particularly in the 20th century, as the term “apprenticeships” was first adopted by the Industry Training Boards of the 1950s and ‘60s and later mainstream further education the link with the traditional crafts has been diluted.

As the value and economic importance of vocational skills has been rediscovered, and in order to re-align “modern” definitions of Apprenticeships with the traditional approach, work is underway to map the requirements of the livery companies. It is anticipated that this will protect the future of traditional skills, and give the guilds a role in developing skills in more modern skill areas such as IT, as well as recognise the quality of the training provided by thousands of small, specialist employers, giving the modern definition of Apprenticeships a traditional grounding or benchmark.

Sources of Information

Initial article describing the scheme - fish friers review February 2014

Follow up article - fish friers review May 2014

Articles for fish friers review October 2014

Press release from Olympia launch - September 2014 - not yet available

Full content of the Tallow Chandlers Apprenticeship Scheme - not yet available


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