The Library Guides - Processing


A series of Guides to getting the most out of the Seafood Training Academy. The Guides are prepared by Academy Librarians to meet the needs of particular groups

NB: As Library Guides are quick-response, semi-formal products they will occasionally contain errors which we will seek to correct. The information contained in them is for Guidance only and we cannot be held responsible for decisions made using the Guides.

If you would like anything adding to this Guide then simply email stating the nature of the information you require. Presentations DVDs and Videos Documents Information leaflets

Information leaflets Documents DVDs and Videos Presentations

Key Training Issues for Processor Employers

During 2011 the new Intermediate (Level 2) and Advanced (Level 3) apprenticeship frameworks were launched for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scotland retains a slightly different system. Two frameworks that are of interest to seafood processing businesses are the Food Manufacturing Excellence (FME) and Fish & Shellfish frameworks. For more information on FME contact the Seafood Training Academy Partner - Grimsby Institute.

Apprenticeship frameworks are important as they represent the main route to externally funded training for new entrants and young adults in the food industry.

  • Fish and Shellfish Apprenticeships - in general terms, the Fish and Shellfish Proficiency Apprenticeship framework consists of
    • a Level 2 Certificate in Fish and Shellfish Proficiency Skills;
    • Functional skills (numeracy and literacy)
    • Employment rights and responsibilities;
    • Personal Learning and Thinking Skills
    • Approximating at least a 12 month learning and development programme with 280+ hours of off the job training.- contact Improve Ltd or an apprenticeship managing agent for more information.

The other significant fish and shellfish training outcome for 2011 are the suite fish and Shellfish level 3 VRQs for managers, supervisors or specialists. These new trainer-based, nationally recognised qualifications represent an entirely new opportunity for the seafood industry. For more information click here


The combination of the fish and shellfish proficiency qualifications* launched in October 2010, the apprenticeship framework launched in April 2011 and the six new level 3 VRQs due before September 2011, represents the most significant opportunities for accredited training in the last 20 years. If you would like to discuss these opportunities with a Seafish or Seafood Academy training adviser then please email Onsite visits and preliminary skills audits can be arranged, subject to available staff.

* Level 2 Award, Certificate and Diploma


Other Information

Fish and Shellfish Processing - National Occupational Standards, vocational qualifications and Apprenticeships - click here

Food Safety Training - taught courses, open learning, eLearning: levels 1 to 3. click here

Seafood Academy - recognised training programmes, click here.

Technical Guides - defrosting etc, click here

Seafood promotions - examples of materials for use in schools etc, click here

Seafood Quality Assessment Training - click here

Seafood Smoking - Library Guide - eLearning

- FAO Publication - Assessment and management of seafood safety and quality