The Seafood Smoking eLearning Programme is one fourth of a seafood smoking development process being developed by Seafish and the Seafood Training Academy. Part One consists of the old seafood smoking open learning module which is available as a pdf file from the previous smoking page. This open learning module makes an excellent primer for those new to seafood smoking and I strongly recommend that users should study it's contents first. Part Two is the eLearning programme itself which seeks to provide a comprehensive review of the science and technology of seafood smoking in a way that managers and supervisors can easily assimilate. Part Three consists of a week long advanced practical training course delivered by the Seafood Training Academy using an AFOS Micro smoking kiln. It is our intention to be able to deliver the training at a number of sites in the UK using the portable AFOS Micro Kiln. Part Four is made up of a series of occupational standards and qualifications in smoking and brining/curing. These standards have been developed by Seafish and Improve and are made up of individual knowledge and competence units. For more information please contact onshore@seafish.co.uk. or look here.