Hygiene and Cleaning in the Seafood Industry

by elearning

Almost ready to start, just a few last minute notes.

After you complete the eLearning programme you can if you want to, take a written multiple choice test that can lead to a recognised qualification. This is currently only available in the UK.

  • You do not need to register in any way to login to this programme. No records are kept by us and your name and company details are only needed so that you can print off your personalised record when you complete the programme.

To start the Hygiene eLearning Programme use the button below.

You may wish to copy this start page address into your favorites.


Good luck

Lee Cooper, for Seafish.


Please note that we are having some difficulty with the Next and Previous buttons on some pages. This seems to be an issue with Internet Explorer and is very intermittent. Reported fixes have included restarting the elearning package or using another web browser. We have tried to work out what is the problem but have so far failed. In the meantime, if your PC skips a page (look at the page numbers as part of the page title) then use the drop down menu to find a specific page.




If you encounter any technical problems with this programme then please email details to onshore@seafish.co.uk

NB: To navigate within the eLearning programme only use the Menu and the Back / Next buttons in the bottom/right corner.

You will need to log in each time you use the package as we keep no information about you at all, do not track your progress or store your results.

Please note that the contents of the elearning programme Hygiene and cleaning in the seafood industry are copyright Sea Fish Industry Authority 2010