A Guide to Buying, Preparing, Frying and Storing Fish Buying, preparing and storing fish correctly has a big impact on a fish frier’s business. Conducting these tasks correctly can lead to the successful operation of a business. However, if any of these jobs aren’t completed to their required standard, then this will have a huge impact on the profitability of the business. GENERAL GUIDE & SEGMENT ONE – Buying, Preparing, Frying and Storing Fish. AIMS OF THE SEGMENT After studying this segment you will be able to: • State what to look for when buying fish; • List some types of fish available; • Explain the advantages of wet and frozen fish; • State where to buy fish; • State the importance of quality and the characteristics to look for when buying fish; • Identify the correct methods of preparing fish by looking at skinning, boning and cutting; • State why minimising the wastage of fish is important; • Identify an average portion size with regard to: customer relations, the cost of fish and wastage; • State the importance of taste and how this can be measured; • Outline some of the rules for storing wet fish and frozen fish. The downloadable pdf file is available here.